In the lives of some people, animals have an important place. Thus, some people devote an extraordinary cult to animals. Among the animals that enjoy this privilege, there are dragons. In some circles, this animal enjoys an extraordinary interest. This is the case of the Tibetans, for whom the dragon is at the centre of their existence. In the rest of this article, you will discover the Tibetan dragon.
Tibetan culture, a unique environment
In the life of Asians, especially in China, the dragon is not just any animal. This is why it is worshipped with such astonishing devotion. This cult leads to the possession of objects such as dragon toys, dragon costumes, dragon necklaces, dragon rings, dragon statues, dragon figurines, dragon plush toys, dragon lights, dragon puzzles, dragon watches, dragon incense burners, dragon kites. But the reality is quite different among Tibetans. Indeed, it is a milieu that has remained somewhat isolated from China for a long time. Consequently, its considerations have remained original. The Tibetans' interest in dragons is a direct result of the influence their culture has undergone. Since Tibetan culture has been influenced not only by Chinese culture, but also by Indian culture. Dragons that come from this background are often dragons that spend most of their lives in the mountains, regardless of the period.
Characteristics of Tibetan dragons
In order to recognize Tibetan dragons, one must look at certain physical characteristics of this animal. Since there is a slight difference compared to Chinese dragons. Indeed, Tibetan dragons live in the mountains and are about 12 meters long. But, they are thin when you try to compare them to Chinese ones. In addition, they have smaller necks and heads than the Chinese dragons. Since these animals need to be camouflaged, their colour is not the same as that of Chinese dragons. Tibetans are often iridescent orange. However, it is possible to find red Tibetan dragons. They have the same number of toes as Chinese dragons. They lay their eggs in the snow. The colour of these eggs is between yellow, green or orange. Thus, at birth, the young become aquatic as they live in the snow. They are forced to swim in it. This animal is simply a representative of the Tibetan dignity.